Author: Staff WVDEP
The Open Dump Cleanup Program uses landfill fees to clean up illegal dumps and to gather evidence to prosecute illegal dumping avtivity. Currently the program has completed 3,693 projects that have resulted in the removal of an estimated 110,842 tons of material, including 21,901 tons of steel, 49,692 appliances and 411,448 tires. There are an estimated 15,000 open dumps across WV. The efforts of the PPOD average up to 900 dumps removed yearly, at a total of 9,500 tons/year. With assistance from volunteers, solid waste authorities, and county commissions, PPOD has been able to reclaim 6,000 acres of WV land…
Contact:James Martin, ChiefOffice of Oil and Gas601 57th Street, SECharleston, WV 25304-2345Phone: (304) 926-0450Fax: (304) 926-0452 Pollution and Emergency Spills: 1-800-642-3074 The Office of Oil and Gas is responsible for monitoring and regulating all actions related to the exploration, drilling, storage and production of oil and natural gas. It maintains records on over 40,000 active, and 25,000 inactive oil & gas wells.It manages Abandoned Well Plugging and Reclamation Program.It ensures surface/groundwater is protected from oil and gas activities. On-going programs and projects: Large Volume Pit Inspection Directive 12-16-08 **NEW ITEM** CBM Produced Water Permit 4-17-07CBM Revised Fact Sheet 4-17-07 for CBM General PermitCBM…
The WV Make It Shine Program is a comprehensive program aimed at making WV the cleanest state in the nation. Throughout the state, groups of volunteers, businesses, community organizations, and local governments are working to accomplish this goal. It is the responsibility of the WV Make It Shine Program to coordinate the effort of these people to make our state shine. The WV Make It Shine Program is involved in several events each year. The annual events are listed below. MAKE IT SHINE AWARDS WV Make It Shine Clean County Award This award is given to counties in the state…